Spring Valley- Secondary Placement

My first placement was at Spring Valley where I helped to teach 6 classes: General Art, 8th grade, 7th grade, Painting, 6th grade, and Senior Art. Each class was 45 minutes. I also aided in monitoring a study hall and hosting art club at lunch and on the weekends. This placement was filled with so many sweet students and learning opportunities. Factors outside of anyone's control made it so I had to start the school year off with a sub. This was a time to get uncomfortable and learn on my feet. Overall, I think that this experience has taught me so much and made me more confident and competent to get into my future career. 

Still life painting by Gwen Stein
Printmaking by Gwen Stein

High School Painting

The first class I took over was my painting class. This class I was given the freedom to start teaching it however I wanted. For this class I chose to adapt a project from college. This project helps them to understand the difference between perceived and local color. Though the process they learn how to make underpainting, use warm and cool colors to make depth as well as how to mix different colors. This project challenged the students a lot, even so some of the students told me this was their favorite project. The final project was changed to choice instead of repeating their practice painting to prevent students from getting bored and doing worse on their finals. 

High School General Art

General art this semester was all freshman. These students had to help me better understand classroom management at the high school level. By the end of my time in this class I feel a lot better about classroom management and about how to interact with the students like to push their limits with the teachers. This class was super fun to lead a lesson on printmaking. Watching the students work was always a super fun process. 

8th Grade

I did not create a lesson plan for any of the lessons I taught in 8th grade but I have lots of fun pictures and a slideshow I gave them to help them make food trucks. I was the one who helped to see if they had mastered 2 point perspective by having them draw food trucks. This class helped me with differentiation and how to help students who are at different levels. I had one student who had a final food truck that he could see under his paper so he was more easily able to see the lines he was supposed to draw. He then had to add everything else in 2-point perspective to show he had mastered the skill. Along with food trucks and perspective I helped students get an introduction to the pottery wheel. 

7th Grade

This was one of my favorite classes because the students were so sweet and we got to do fun projects. This class is one where I took a project from my cooperating teacher and changed it up a bit to make it more my own. This project is such a fun mix of medias and a good way to teach safety for x-acto knifes. This class was fun to get to learn the students more because their projects they did wile I was in the classroom all centered around themselves. 

6th Grade

6th grades was a lot of work to learn all the students names because at this school 6th grade is on a 3 day rotation. This made it important that I would be able to start teaching early to be able to finish the lesson with the students before I left. To finish the project off we decided that the students should use water color and another medium like colored pencil or soft pastel. 

High School Senior Art

This class was an independent project class so it was really nice to be able to get to know students more through their artwork. This class also went on a field trip while I was at the school. This was good to learn how to set up a field trip and who to contact for all the things to work in a field trip.

This group of students were always super sweet and ready to make art. This class helped me learn how to push students further. This project they did had a lot of revising and make lots of work. Then when students "finished" I got to help push the students to keep going and make more and more or keep adding. I had never done a project like this before so this was a super fun experience. Learning with the students and using skills in new ways made this projects one of my favorites to work on.